Friday, August 17, 2012

Blackburn Protects Gibson Guitar Felonies While Ignoring Insurance Company Felonies That Are Killing Thousands of Very Sick Patients Every Year!!

Two sentences below is part of Blackburn’s statement protecting Gibson. Then you’ll see a DOJ document where Gibson later admitted they committed felonies because Gibson :

 failed to act on information that the Madagascar ebony it was purchasing may have violated laws intended to limit overharvesting and conserve valuable wood species from Madagascar, a country which has been severely impacted by deforestation

Before Gibson admitted the felonies Mrs. Blackburn tried to protect them with press conferences where she said :

 Having armed federal agents raid an iconic American company is no way to inspire economic certainty and spur job creation,” said Rep. Marsha W. Blackburn (R.-Tenn.), the vice-chairman of the Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade sub-committee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.”

(The DOJ document is seen 5 sentences below)

Blackburn also spoke at a carnival supporting Gibson’s felony actions that was seen on TV news before Gibson admitted the felonies.

Blackburn also had the Gibson CEO in her office according to the following quotes :

"Rep. Masha W. Blackburn (R.-Tenn.) met with her constituent Gibson Guitar CEO Henry E. Juszkiewicz in her Capitol Hill office Sept. 9, shortly before the two attended the president’s address to Congress on jobs and the economy. Juszkiewicz’s company was the subject of a Aug. 24 by federal agents that Blackburn said raises many unanswered questions."
You can see more about those quotes at this website and the DOJ document is immediately below :

After this DOJ document you will see how Republican Blackburn Falsely Said Deadly Insurance Companies’ Federal Crimes That Obama is Ignoring Are “a State Issue
You’ll see insurance companies in the U.S. are ignoring life threatening medical conditions, fabricating pre-existing conditions, concealing medical documents from patients, training agents to ignore evidence, and lying in Federal Court if the patient lives to get to Court.

Because of these crime patterns very sick patients are forced to go without medical treatment and surgery.

Many injured workers commit suicide because they are in tremendous pain while being denied treatment because the insurance companies stripped medical records from their files.

Civilian contractors who support our troops in U.S War Zones are suffering devastating injuries including loss of limbs. Insurance companies are illegally denying or delaying medical treatment and prosthetic replacements of limbs !!

No one is being prosecuted and the deadly crimes continue!!

During this same time AIG, MetLife, Prudential and Unum all rigged huge bids to increase sales of health or injury related policies !! 

The original evidence that was filed with Mrs. Blackburn under oath with penalty of perjury is posted for citizens to view at :

All the Federal laws that Mrs. Blackburn is falsely calling “state issues” are highlighted in red at :

Here's the DOJ Press release :
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs

Monday, August 6, 2012

Gibson Guitar Corp. Agrees to Resolve Investigation into Lacey Act Violations
Gibson Guitar Corp. entered into a criminal enforcement agreement with the United States today resolving a criminal investigation into allegations that the company violated the Lacey Act by illegally purchasing and importing ebony wood from Madagascar and rosewood and ebony from India.

The agreement was announced today by Assistant Attorney General Ignacia S. Moreno of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, Jerry Martin, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee and Dan Ashe, Director of the Department of the Interior’s U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

The criminal enforcement agreement defers prosecution for criminal violations of the Lacey Act and requires Gibson to pay a penalty amount of $300,000.   The agreement further provides for a community service payment of $50,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to be used to promote the conservation, identification and propagation of protected tree species used in the musical instrument industry and the forests where those species are found.   Gibson will also implement a compliance program designed to strengthen its compliance controls and procedures.  In related civil forfeiture actions, Gibson will withdraw its claims to the wood seized in the course of the criminal investigation, including Madagascar ebony from shipments with a total invoice value of $261,844.
In light of Gibson’s acknowledgement of its conduct, its duties under the Lacey Act and its promised cooperation and remedial actions, the government will decline charging Gibson criminally in connection with Gibson’s order, purchase or importation of ebony from Madagascar and ebony and rosewood from India, provided that Gibson fully carries out its obligations under the agreement, and commits no future violations of law, including Lacey Act violations.

 “As a result of this investigation and criminal enforcement agreement, Gibson has acknowledged that it failed to act on information that the Madagascar ebony it was purchasing may have violated laws intended to limit overharvesting and conserve valuable wood species from Madagascar, a country which has been severely impacted by deforestation,” said Assistant Attorney General Moreno. “Gibson has ceased acquisitions of wood species from Madagascar and recognizes its duty under the U.S. Lacey Act to guard against the acquisition of wood of illegal origin by verifying the circumstances of its harvest and export, which is good for American business and American consumers.”

“The Department of Justice is committed to enforcing the laws enacted by Congress,” said U.S. Attorney Martin.   “Failure to do so harms those who play by the rules and follow the law.   This criminal enforcement agreement goes a long way in demonstrating the government’s commitment to protecting the world’s natural resources. The agreement is fair and just in that it assesses serious penalties for Gibson’s behavior while allowing Gibson to continue to focus on the business of making guitars.”    

 “The Lacey Act’s illegal logging provisions were enacted with bipartisan support in Congress to protect vanishing foreign species and forest ecosystems, while ensuring a level playing field for America’s forest products industry and the people and communities who depend on it,” said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Ashe.   “We’re pleased that Gibson Guitar Corp. has recognized its duties under the Lacey Act to guard against the acquisition of wood of illegal origin from threatened forests and has taken responsibility for actions that may have contributed to the unlawful export and exploitation of wood from some of the world’s most threatened forests.”

Since May 2008, it has been illegal under the Lacey Act to import into the United States plants and plant products (including wood) that have been harvested and exported in violation of the laws of another country.   Congress extended the protections of the Lacey Act, the nation’s oldest resource protection law, to these products in an effort to address the environmental and economic impact of illegal logging around the world.

The criminal enforcement agreement includes a detailed statement of facts describing the conduct for which Gibson accepts and acknowledges responsibility.   The facts establish the following:

Madagascar Ebony is a slow-growing tree species and supplies are considered threatened in its native environment due to over-exploitation.   Both legal and illegal logging of Madagascar Ebony and other tree species have significantly reduced Madagascar’s forest cover. Madagascar’s forests are home to many rare endemic species of plants and animals .  The harvest of ebony in and export of unfinished ebony from, Madagascar has been banned since 2006.

Gibson purchased “fingerboard blanks,” consisting of sawn boards of Madagascar ebony, for use in manufacturing guitars.   The Madagascar ebony fingerboard blanks were ordered from a supplier who obtained them from an exporter in Madagascar.   Gibson’s supplier continued to receive Madagascar ebony fingerboard blanks from its Madagascar exporter after the 2006 ban.   The Madagascar exporter did not have authority to export ebony fingerboard blanks after the law issued in Madagascar in 2006.  
In 2008, an employee of Gibson participated in a trip to Madagascar, sponsored by a non-profit organization.   Participants on the trip, including the Gibson employee, were told that a law passed in 2006 in Madagascar banned the harvest of ebony and the export of any ebony products that were not in finished form.   They were further told by trip organizers that instrument parts, such as fingerboard blanks, would be considered unfinished and therefore illegal to export under the 2006 law.  Participants also visited the facility of the exporter in Madagascar, from which Gibson’s supplier sourced its Madagascar ebony, and were informed that the wood at the facility was under seizure at that time and could not be moved.   

After the Gibson employee returned from Madagascar with this information, he conveyed the information to superiors and others at Gibson.   The information received by the Gibson employee during the June 2008 trip, and sent to company management by the employee and others following the June 2008 trip, was not further investigated or acted upon prior to Gibson continuing to place orders with its supplier.   Gibson received four shipments of Madagascar ebony fingerboard blanks from its supplier between October 2008 and September 2009.

This case was investigated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with assistance from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.   The case was handled by the Environmental Crimes Section of the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Tennessee.
Environment and Natural Resources Division

Republican Blackburn Falsely Said These Deadly Insurance Companies’ Federal Crimes That Obama is Ignoring Are “a State Issue

You can also see this posted at :  

Type One – Federal ERISA Health Insurance Laws That Protect 150 Million Americans Are Ignored !!
Quotes from four law Professors prove :
"The most important federal insurance regulation of the past generation is ERISA," says Tom Baker, deputy dean of the University of Pennsylvania Law School in Philadelphia. If ever a law backfired for the public, ERISA is the perfect example."
Professor Joseph Belth from Indiana University wrote :
"They've turned Erisa on its head. It was supposed to protect employees, and it's being used to protect insurers."
John Marshall Law School Professor Mark Debofsky wrote:
“empirical evidence is now available that shows insurers operating under ERISA have systematically engaged in the wrongful denial of claims. Cases of abusive benefit denials involving other disability insurers abound.”
(ERISA is the U.S. Title 29 Employee Retirement Income Security Act which regulates employee benefit health plans of all the 150 million Americans who work for private businesses and corporations in America)
That’s a Federal Law !!!!!!!!!!!!
Carleton Universities Professor Aaron Doyle wrote :
“What those numbers don’t measure is the trauma survivors like Jane Pierce face when wrongfully denied. Most survivors don’t have the stamina and knowledge to file a lawsuit”

Type Two

Obama campaign contributors are connected to bid rigging and "related fraudulent conduct" and their dangerous Federal crimes continue !!

Quotes I compiled from 51 Federal Judges prove MetLife and doctors paid by MetLife ignore life threatening medical conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, cancer and cardiac conditions.
Judges also wrote MetLife fabricates pre-existing conditions, conceals medical documents from patients, trains agents to ignore evidence, and lies in Federal Court if the patient lives to get to Court.
Short quote example from the full evidence

U.S. Magistrate Judge Jennifer Guerm wrote :

"MetLife relied on clearly erroneous findings of fact in making its benefit determination. MetLife’s review of Plaintiff’s appeal consistently omitted or misrepresented relevant information in several ways.”

U.S. District Judge Richard Enslen wrote “MetLife and its henchmen” because MetLife also endangers many psychological patients.

**** I asked the Federal Court to stop this deadly crime pattern but U.S. Magistrate Judge Bryant in Nashville wrote :
the enforcement of such provisions is the exclusive prerogative of the Attorney General”

Obama and the AG he appointed refuse to take action after receiving all this evidence multiple times via certified mailings to the White House, court documents, and personal visits to the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s office !! I can prove Obama was on a call I received from the DOL Regional Manager on 12/23/10 !!
They are very aware the patients can die during the years it takes their claim to be resolved by the Courts !!
Bribery of Obama 
You’ll see two MetLife executives’ gave Obama large contributions. One year later the two executives signed page five of the DOJ agreement where no one was prosecuted for rigging huge bids to increase sales of policies.
Mrs. Blackburn, evidence you received in writing and linked at the website below proves MetLife continues ignoring life threatening medical conditions and violating numerous laws when patients file claims on the policies that MetLife rigged bids to sell.
The top directors of Obama’s DOL and DOJ have repeatedly refused to stop them !!

Unum and Prudential also rigged bids exactly like MetLife did !! This is a small portion of the crimes you’ll see MetLife and other insurance companies commit repeatedly and simultaneously !!

Mrs. Blackburn, that is a very small part of the full evidence you received in writing and is posted at :
On that website you’ll also see how multiple doctors from a large corporation named Network Medical Review and MES wrote reports for MetLife and they ignored the exact same medical evidence in separate reports written in different years.
Three separate Judges wrote that private law firms paid by MetLife lie in court if the patient lives long enough to get to Court
Here are two examples :

In the case of Jagielski v. MetLife U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab wrote :
In light of counsel for MetLife’s repeated and flagrant obfuscation, smoke screens and “clever” couching of its statements of fact, it is ironic, to say the very least, that MetLife’s opposition to plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment accuses plaintiff repeatedly of “lack of candor and attempts to mislead the Court.”
(end of quote)
In the case of Illiena Volynskaya U.S. District Judge Susan Illston wrote about “other cases in which MetLife has played with the facts.”
MetLife’s attorneys continued lying in Court in my case after seeing this quote :

 "the Plaintiff who has had cancer removed from his eye and leg and over 200 biopsies plus stitches in 100 places has no money for follow up treatment."
I would have died if my family had not helped me after my savings were depleted !!
Part of the extensive lies in my case are seen in Judges quotes in the last case posted at :

Type Three

Long Term Care policies are also governed by the Federal ERISA laws. Three Federal U.S. Court of Appeals Judges have written that MetLife fabricated pre-existing conditions to deny Long Term Care to a very sick patient !! The Judges’ wrote :
“MetLife supported its decision to rescind only by its cherry-picking symptoms from Conger's medical records, and then reverse-engineering a diagnosis. Metlife ignored Conger's multiple brain MRIs that revealed no problems”
(end of quotes)
People can die and families can be destroyed when patients are denied Long Term Care !!
URGENT NOTE – We have 51 Federal Judges and four law Professors saying there’s a dangerous problem for 150 million Americans !!
OBAMA DOES NOT CARE !!!! It sure seems Mrs. Blackburn does not care either !!

**** They are very aware that U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Savage wrote that MetLife and their independent consultant Dr. Gary Greenhood ignored two MRI’s that proved patient Jacquelyn Addis has Multiple Sclerosis and lesions and plaque on her brain !!
Judge Savage also wrote they ignored sphincter incontinence, pain, nerve damage, trembling, stumbles and falls, and shaking in the upper and lower extremities !!
**** U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland wrote that Metlife and the same Dr. Gary Greenhood ignored a foot that patient Joanne Vick broke in 5 places after she developed diabetic kytoacedosis following childbirth.
**** Judges have also written that MetLife conceals Dr. Greenhood’s reports and other important documents from the patients during the claims process. Years later MetLife meticulously files these documents in Court to try to use to their advantage during the trial.
**** Obama and his DOL and DOJ Directors are aware that Dr. Greenhood and MetLife have ignored evidence in more cases but they will not even ask them to stop !!
This is occurring while many insurance companies are violating seven laws simultaneously including the following Federal Laws:

 Law # 1 Destroyed

U.S. Title 29 1104 mandates :

“ a fiduciary shall discharge his duties with respect to a plan solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries”

“with care, skill, prudence, and diligence”

In exchange for agreeing to the laws seen on this website, the insurance companies make trillions of dollars providing health benefits to 150 million Americans get every other law in their favor.

They cannot be sued for punitive damages !

  Law # 2 Destroyed

U.S. Title 29 also requires MetLife and other insurance companies to have :

“The claims procedures contain administrative processes and safeguards designed to ensure and to verify that benefit claim determinations are made in accordance with governing plan documents and that, where appropriate, the plan provisions have been applied consistently with respect to similarly situated claimants.” (Title 29 CFR 2560.503-1 – section  (b)(5)”

Law # 3 Destroyed

U.S. Title 29 also requires MetLife and other insurance companies to have :

“The claims procedures do not contain any provision, and are not administered in a way, that unduly inhibits or hampers the initiation or processing of claims for benefits.” (Title 29 CFR 2560.503-1 – section (b)(3)

Law # 4 Destroyed

U.S. Title 29 also requires MetLife and other insurance companies to have :

“Provide for a review that takes into account all comments, documents, records, and other information submitted” (Title 29 CFR 2560.503-1 Section (h)(2)(iv)

 Law # 5 Destroyed

Title 29 U.S.C. 1141  mandates :

 "It shall be unlawful for any person through the use of fraud to restrain or attempt to restrain any participant or beneficiary for the purpose of interfering with or preventing the exercise of any right to which he is or may become entitled under the plan, this title. Any person who willfully violates this section shall be fined $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. The amount of fine is governed by 18 U.S.C. § 3571.

Law # 6 Destroyed

Reckless endangerment :

I was referred to a Psychologist when I almost passed out twice because my employer and MetLife ignored my eye cancer and the needle like eye pains I have when I read too much. My Psychologist wrote :

“In light of the violations Metlife has committed against Mr. Schmittou and Metlife's awareness of the additional harm caused him, Metlife's actions seem irresponsible, inhumane, dangerous, and reckless.”
(End of quotes)

I am sharing my complete Psychologist’s reports in hopes many more lives will not be destroyed like mine has been. Later please come back and view :

I have quotes from multiple Judges regarding MetLife’s endangerment of Psychological patients !!

Every state has laws that prohibit reckless endangerment !!

Law # 7 Destroyed

Involuntary Manslaughter

Definition – “The act of unlawfully killing another human being unintentionally”

I am certain if there is ever justice in this and a real investigation occurs there will be thousands of examples of deaths that have been caused by these flagrant repeated violations !!

Spiritually and morally this is mass murder of very sick and injured Americans that is being protected by the DOL and DOJ. I believe legally it is mass murder too because they know their crimes are deadly and they continue for years, but a jury might interpret the violations as being mass manslaughter. 
Letters I Received Letters From Obama’s DOL Directors in Washington Prove These Are Federal Issues !!
When the Attorney General and DOJ refused to take action I found the following quote on the DOL website :
 “Under ERISA, the Secretary of Labor is responsible for protecting the rights and financial security of more that 150 million employee benefit plan participants and beneficiaries and for assuring the integrity and effective management of the private pension and welfare benefit system.”
For three years Obama’s DOL also refused to take action on my evidence and phone calls. Then I posted a video on YouTube with a DOL agent repeatedly saying “We can’t go after MetLife
I called Obama’s Assistant Secretary of Labor Ms. Borzi and told her office manager about the video. The next morning the top DOL Directors’ in Atlanta’s Regional office called me. They had me fax a large amount of evidence and they saw all the Judges quotes.
They did nothing but send me a letter from Washington in December 2010 saying :
“Please be assured that EBSA’s top priority is to protect the benefits of participants and to make sure that providers of those benefits obey the law”
That is a deadly lie !! They have done absolutely nothing !!
On January 26, 2011 Department of Labor Director of Participant Response Ms. Sharon Watson sent another letter from Washington saying :

As we previously indicated, we take the allegations you have made that MetLife has engaged in a pattern of fraudulent activities regarding your claim and other participants’ claims very seriously and have taken the information under advisement.”

That was 19 months ago and they have done absolutely nothing !!

The DOL Directors are appointed by Obama and he also has a fiduciary duty to assure they enforce the law !!
I can prove Obama was on a call I received from the DOL Regional Manager on 12/23/10 !!
The Secretary of Labor refuses to stop this deadly pattern. Patients can die or their family can be destroyed during the years they wait for their case to be resolved by the Courts !!
Type 4 
Life insurance is also part of the ERISA laws the Secretary of Labor is required to enforce !!
MetLife fabricated suicide and made one widow cry for days as seen in the news article at the following website I set up. Please view this later because there is extensive evidence regarding other insurance companies too :
Type 5
The DOJ and DOL should investigate the suicides reported by WFAA and all the evidence I have of injured workers having their lives destroyed. I assert these are Federal RICO organized crimes because they are engaged in identical ignoring of evidence exactly like the other insurance companies are doing in multiple types of insurance !!
In the full evidence you’ve seen how these crimes have occurred while special workers comp fraud units in Tennessee and Texas never prosecuted one insurance company !! State and Federal Departments of Labor and Fraud Units are protecting deadly insurance company crimes !! Mrs. Blackburn in 2002 I tried to politely speak to you about this at the State Capitol and you walked off !!
I can also provide evidence that similar crimes are occurring in HMO claims. I have not had time to compose that evidence.
Mrs. Blackburn, all health care policies (including HMO policies) that any American receives through their employment are governed by the Federal U.S. Title 29 ERISA laws !! Your staff is flagrantly incorrect to say health insurance laws are regulated by the State !!

Type 6

Civilian contractors who support our troops in U.S War Zones are suffering devastating injuries including loss of multiple limbs and traumatic brain injuries. Insurance companies are illegally denying or delaying medical treatment and prosthetic replacements of limbs !!

Here are brief quotes from Pulitzer Prize winning

“The Labor Department seldom took action to enforce the law. Labor officials can recommend cases for prosecution to the Justice Department–but have only done so once in the past two decades, according to Labor officials.”
Mrs. Blackburn you and your staff are smart enough to understand that is a Federal issue !!
You posed on Facebook with hospitalized injured soldiers, what about the overwhelming evidence I’ve posted about contractors lives destroyed at
There were more contractors killed than soldiers in Iraq in 2011. You cannot support our troops without supporting the contractors !!

Selective Protection and Selective Prosecution and Obstruction of Justice

You Can See How Obama’s DOJ Quickly Files a Lawsuit for a Muslim Church But Refuses to Stop Obama Campaign Contributors Who Ignore Sick and Injured Patients Medical Conditions When They File Claims in Five Types of Insurance !!
 Here’s a link to a picture of one Contractor's leg destroyed in a Muslim nation. Obama Campaign Contributors from CNA insurance refuse to properly pay for medical treatment :
You can see how this man’s wife thinks he’ll commit suicide soon but Obama will do nothing at :
Please remember that is just one type of insurance this is occurring in as seen at :

The evidence I’ve submitted shows links to many more examples of Federal Title 29 ERISA Health laws that are being violated.
Blackburn will not even acknowledge the overwhelming proof of Federal violations that she received in writing and are posted for citizens to read at :

There are many more patterns of corporate crimes that Republican Blackburn and Democrat Obama are ignoring that are introduced and linked at :

They Include Wachovia Bank Laundering $378 Billion for the Mexican Drug Cartels That Have Murdered 50,000 people and Are Now Kidnapping and Recruiting Young U.S. Children!!
No one was prosecuted By Obama’s DOJ and Obama received huge contributions !!
That specific evidence can be seen at :
Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Magnetar and many more helped crash the U.S. and world economy by engaging in the following identical crimes.
AIG, JP Morgan, JPMorgan Chase, Prudential, MetLife, and Unum Commit Identical Crimes !!
That is part of the ten patterns of dangerous and deadly corporate crimes that are linked in Exhibit A of this website :
Every page of every link has been submitted in writing under oath with penalty of perjury to Congresswoman Blackburn’s office. Multiple persons requested an investigation but it took 60 days  for Blackburn’s office to finally respond by saying “health insurance is a state issue”
Nothing could be further from the truth as evidenced by the numerous Federal laws you have just seen !!
So Republican Blackburn is ignoring Democrat Obama protecting insurance companies who are destroying very sick patients lives by ignoring life threatening medical conditions in five types of insurance !!
Additionally Republican Blackburn is completely ignoring the trillions of dollars laundered for murderous drug cartels and all the additional patterns of corporate crimes and no one is being prosecuted by Democrat Obama’s DOJ appointees.
Mrs. Blackburn, Isaiah 1:17 says :
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.”
James Chapter 1 verse 22 says :
“Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves”
I believe you and any government leader who refuses to take action on this evidence while claiming to be a Christian is deceiving their self.
If you and Obama and the Democrats and Republicans who claim to be Christians are really Christians, or have any goodness in you at all, you need to stop ignoring the widespread destruction of lives that is being caused by patterns of crimes committed by very rich people who shower you with lobbying money and campaign contributions. Our elected officials have a spiritual and legal fiduciary duty to enforce the laws and I believe you are grossly failing to do so.
Mrs. Blackburn, Multiple Citizens Requested an Investigation. A Regional Radio Announcer Posted the Evidence on His Facebook Page and Asked Friends to Help !!
I pray God will cause you to understand the tremendous suffering you are enabling so you will immediately stop these overwhelming patterns of crimes within crimes !!
(I would like to add that Mrs. Blackburn’s assistants Ms. Parker and Ms. Tipton have been very nice and they are not responsible for the decisions that have been made by Blackburn and her Senior staff)
Barry Schmittou